The struggle we undergo to remain faithful to someone we love is little better than infidelity.
~ La
An affair is a symptom of a marriage
that is not working. There may not be enough intimacy, affection or
sex, communication may have broken down or a baby or child may be
taking up a lot of time and attention. In all cases, at least one of
the partners is not satisfied. Usually it is the person who has the
most trouble asserting themselves in the marriage.
The guilt around having an affair, even
just the thought of having an affair, often eclipses this reality.
Guilt is in fact why needs may have gone unmet in the first place:
you feel badly about having them and don't assert yourself until it
is too late. That is why your partner is shocked to learn of your
infidelity. “I had no idea you weren't happy”, he tells you,
“why didn't you say something?”
Infidelity is often attributed to moral
depravity in the face of temptation and its antidote to the exercise
of self-restraint. But is that what holds a marriage together? Is
that love? I like to quote Spinoza on the subject. He defines love
first and foremost as joy but “with the accompanying idea of an
external cause”.
Fidelity is really all about mutual