Saturday, June 1, 2019

Working the steps

It works if you work it
~ AA slogan
The best way out is through
~Robert Frost~
The Twelve Steps of Recovery aren't a discipline.  They're a path. And working them isn't a workout.  It's a way out!
Unlike Rehabilitation ("to make fit"), Recovery comes from the word for Recuperate, "to get back" (as in to get back something lost, stolen or corrupted), and has its roots in the Latin for "receive."
With every step you take, you receive... a little more lightness, a little more joy, a little more freedom.
You don't need to be strong. The experience of progressive liberation will give you all the strength you need.
Dependencies, obsessions, defects and shortcomings- psychological and physical burdens- will then melt away like burned fat...
You just need to be willing to drop a load.