I like to begin my blog with a quote but there are SO many about letting go- of the past, resentment, troublesome people or painful situations... If it hurts, they say, just... let it go.
That seems logical enough. If the stove is hot, remove your hand. But, when it comes to things that have a hold on us, useless. We can't let go. All the wisdom in the world won't allow us to. Why? Because we're powerless.
It's a bit like trying to let go of a live wire. Your grip latches around it while you get electrocuted. Let go? You wish...
There is a Zen koan somewhere that says it well: you can't move forward, you can't go backward, you can't stay in place. What can you do??
There is no letting go. There is no waiting, humility or surrender. There is powerlessness. Giving up; but this is not within your power to decide.
There is nothing to do; except avoid getting into high voltage situations in the future. Stop touching live wires (or keep getting sizzled.) But know this: once you do, letting go is not an option.