Sunday, March 15, 2020

running on fire

If you're going through hell, keep going
~Winston Churchill

Walk; don't run
~ common sense

I'm all about identifying triggers.  If I know what sets me off, I can avoid it.  That is half the battle.  Prevention.  Sometimes that is the whole battle, if it stops there.

But many times it doesn't.  I can stumble into situations that set me off like a meteor hitting the atmosphere.  It's like a chemical reaction.  Suddenly, I'm on fire!

That's not a fun place to be.  Loss of self-control.  Very damaging.  Potentially very embarrassing too.

I dare say I'm not alone.  I think it is quite human.

The only antidote I've found is self-awareness.  If you have an addiction, name it.  If you have a weakness, claim it.  If you have done wrong, own it.  Own it.  Own it.  Own it.


It's not a one-time deal either.  It's an ongoing practice. (Funny how we have to get small to grow up).  That's tough because we're wired to protect our egos. Running on fire instead of getting to know the enemy within, and putting it out.

But so worth it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.
    Maya Angelou

  3. Thanks! Interesting.
    When angry people’s vitals are measured, it gets pretty hot in there all right. I wonder if, between cancerous repression and cantankerous expression, the host can be more gracious?
    I’m not there yet, but aiming in that direction.
